Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hypnosis How To

Hi and welcome to hypnosis how to, a blog that will teach you how you can hypnotize anyone as well as use self hypnosis (also called auto-suggestion) to stop smoking using hypnotism cds, video, audio course scripts online. First we'll start off with one of the easier points of how to hypnotize someone - they're called weasel phrases or embedded commands.

Weasel Phrases and Embedded Commands

Weasel phrases are words that are slipped in between other words so that when you say the two words together, the weasel phrase is heard. The embedded command is picked up on by the subconcous mind, while the unconcous mind doesn't realize that it was even said. That's the perfect covert hypnosis command.

Here's an example: The words loose exchange when said together produce the word sex in the middle. Say them out loud a few times and see for yourself. Here's a video as an introduction to weasel phrases:

For advanced training in how to use covert hypnosis (i.e. hypnotism on those who don't expect it) to control others start here.

How To Hypnotize Anyone...


  1. Hi there, the video on the site isn't working but I think you seem like you would have alot of interesting things to say, I run a podcast where we interview interesting hypnotists.

    Check out

    About Street Hypnosis for details

  2. This iphone hypnosis app guided meditation prompts you to choose a short-term goal and imagine all the steps, states, and benefits associated with making it happen. Listeners can opt out of the relaxation component before the session if they choose to stay alert while visualizing their goal. The “Awaken” feature can also be turned off for listeners who prefer to fall asleep at the end. You can even control the volume of the background music separately from the vocal track and disable the opening chime if you’d rather begin with silence.
